class documentation

class PredicateResult(Names): (source)

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Predicate results.

See Also
Class Variable maybe Do not have an opinion on the event. When this value is used, FilteringLogObserver will consider subsequent predicate results; if returned by the last predicate being considered, then the event will be logged.
Class Variable no Do not log the specified event. When this value is used, FilteringLogObserver will not log the message, without evaluating other predicates.
Class Variable yes Log the specified event. When this value is used, FilteringLogObserver will always log the message, without evaluating other predicates.

Do not have an opinion on the event. When this value is used, FilteringLogObserver will consider subsequent predicate results; if returned by the last predicate being considered, then the event will be logged.

Do not log the specified event. When this value is used, FilteringLogObserver will not log the message, without evaluating other predicates.

Log the specified event. When this value is used, FilteringLogObserver will always log the message, without evaluating other predicates.