class documentation

class LegacyLogObserverWrapper: (source)

Constructor: LegacyLogObserverWrapper(legacyObserver)

Implements interfaces: twisted.logger.ILogObserver

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ILogObserver that wraps a twisted.python.log.ILogObserver.

Received (new-style) events are modified prior to forwarding to the legacy observer to ensure compatibility with observers that expect legacy events.

Method __call__ Forward events to the legacy observer after editing them to ensure compatibility.
Method __init__ No summary
Method __repr__ Undocumented
Instance Variable legacyObserver Undocumented
def __call__(self, event: LogEvent): (source)

Forward events to the legacy observer after editing them to ensure compatibility.

event:LogEventan event
def __init__(self, legacyObserver: ILegacyLogObserver): (source)
legacyObserver:ILegacyLogObservera legacy observer to which this observer will forward events.
def __repr__(self) -> str: (source)


legacyObserver = (source)
