class documentation

ILogObserver that wraps another ILogObserver, but filters out events based on applying a series of ILogFilterPredicates.

Method __call__ Forward to next observer if predicate allows it.
Method __init__ No summary
Instance Variable _negativeObserver Undocumented
Instance Variable _observer Undocumented
Instance Variable _shouldLogEvent Undocumented
def __call__(self, event: LogEvent): (source)

Forward to next observer if predicate allows it.

def __init__(self, observer: ILogObserver, predicates: Iterable[ILogFilterPredicate], negativeObserver: ILogObserver = bitbucketLogObserver): (source)
observer:ILogObserverAn observer to which this observer will forward events when predictates yield a positive result.
predicates:Iterable[ILogFilterPredicate]Predicates to apply to events before forwarding to the wrapped observer.
negativeObserver:ILogObserverAn observer to which this observer will forward events when predictates yield a negative result.
_negativeObserver = (source)


_observer = (source)


_shouldLogEvent = (source)
