module documentation

Integration with Python standard library logging.

Class StringifiableFromEvent An object that implements __str__() in order to defer the work of formatting until it's converted into a str.
Variable fromStdlibLogLevelMapping Undocumented
Variable toStdlibLogLevelMapping Undocumented
Function _reverseLogLevelMapping Reverse the above mapping, adding both the numerical keys used above and the corresponding string keys also used by python logging.
fromStdlibLogLevelMapping = (source)


toStdlibLogLevelMapping: Mapping[NamedConstant, int] = (source)


def _reverseLogLevelMapping() -> Mapping[int, NamedConstant]: (source)

Reverse the above mapping, adding both the numerical keys used above and the corresponding string keys also used by python logging.

Mapping[int, NamedConstant]the reversed mapping