class documentation


Method __init__ Server(sock, protocol, client, server, sessionno)
Method getHost Returns an IPv4Address or IPv6Address.
Method getPeer Returns an IPv4Address or IPv6Address.
Instance Variable logstr Undocumented
Instance Variable repstr Undocumented
Class Method _fromConnectedSocket Create a new Server based on an existing connected SOCK_STREAM socket.

Inherited from _SendmsgMixin:

Method doRead Calls {IProtocol.dataReceived} with all available data and IFileDescriptorReceiver.fileDescriptorReceived once for each received file descriptor in ancillary data.
Method sendFileDescriptor Queue the given file descriptor to be sent and start trying to send it.
Method writeSomeData Send as much of data as possible. Also send any pending file descriptors.
Method _ancillaryLevelSOLSOCKETTypeSCMRIGHTS Processes ancillary data with level SOL_SOCKET and type SCM_RIGHTS, indicating that the ancillary data payload holds file descriptors.
Method _isSendBufferFull Determine whether the user-space send buffer for this transport is full or not.
Instance Variable _fileDescriptorBufferSize An int giving the maximum number of file descriptors to accept and queue for sending before pausing the registered producer, if there is one.
Instance Variable _sendmsgQueue A list of int holding file descriptors which are currently buffered before being sent.
Instance Variable _writeSomeDataBase The class which provides the basic implementation of writeSomeData. Ultimately this should be a subclass of twisted.internet.abstract.FileDescriptor. Subclasses which mix in _SendmsgMixin must define this.

Inherited from Server (via _SendmsgMixin):

Method __repr__ A string representation of this connection.
Instance Variable client Undocumented
Instance Variable connected Undocumented
Instance Variable hostname Undocumented
Instance Variable server Undocumented
Instance Variable sessionno Undocumented
Instance Variable _addressType Undocumented
Instance Variable _base Connection, which is the base class of this class which has all of the useful file descriptor methods. This is used by _TLSServerMixin to call the right methods to directly manipulate the transport, as is necessary for writing TLS-encrypted bytes (whereas those methods on ...

Inherited from ServerMixin (via _SendmsgMixin, Server):

Instance Variable _tlsClientDefault Always False, indicating that this is a server connection, and by default when TLS is negotiated this class will act as a TLS server.

Inherited from Connection (via _SendmsgMixin, Server, ServerMixin):

Method connectionLost See abstract.FileDescriptor.connectionLost().
Method getHandle Return the socket for this connection.
Method getTcpKeepAlive Return if SO_KEEPALIVE is enabled.
Method getTcpNoDelay Return if TCP_NODELAY is enabled.
Method logPrefix Return the prefix to log with when I own the logging thread.
Method readConnectionLost Indicates read connection was lost.
Method setTcpKeepAlive Enable/disable SO_KEEPALIVE.
Method setTcpNoDelay Enable/disable TCP_NODELAY.
Instance Variable protocol Undocumented
Instance Variable socket Undocumented
Method _closeWriteConnection Undocumented
Method _dataReceived Undocumented

Inherited from ConnectionMixin (via _SendmsgMixin, Server, ServerMixin, Connection):

Method loseConnection Close this connection after writing all pending data.
Method registerProducer Register a producer.
Method startTLS No summary
Method unregisterProducer Unregister a producer.
Method write Write some bytes to this connection, passing them through a TLS layer if necessary, or discarding them if the connection has already been lost.
Method writeSequence Write some bytes to this connection, scatter/gather-style, passing them through a TLS layer if necessary, or discarding them if the connection has already been lost.
Constant TLS A flag indicating whether TLS is currently in use on this transport. This is not a good way for applications to check for TLS, instead use twisted.internet.interfaces.ISSLTransport.

Inherited from FileDescriptor (via _SendmsgMixin, Server, ServerMixin, Connection, ConnectionMixin):

Method doWrite Called when data can be written.
Method fileno File Descriptor number for select().
Method loseWriteConnection Undocumented
Method pauseProducing Pause producing data.
Method resumeProducing Resume producing data.
Method startReading Start waiting for read availability.
Method startWriting Start waiting for write availability.
Method stopConsuming Stop consuming data.
Method stopProducing Stop producing data.
Method stopReading Stop waiting for read availability.
Method stopWriting Stop waiting for write availability.
Method writeConnectionLost Indicates write connection was lost.
Constant SEND_LIMIT Undocumented
Class Variable bufferSize Undocumented
Class Variable disconnecting Undocumented
Instance Variable dataBuffer Undocumented
Instance Variable disconnected Undocumented
Instance Variable offset Undocumented
Instance Variable producer Undocumented
Instance Variable producerPaused Undocumented
Instance Variable reactor Undocumented
Method _maybePauseProducer Possibly pause a producer, if there is one and the send buffer is full.
Method _postLoseConnection Called after a loseConnection(), when all data has been written.
Class Variable _writeDisconnected Undocumented
Instance Variable _tempDataBuffer Undocumented
Instance Variable _tempDataLen Undocumented
Instance Variable _writeDisconnecting Undocumented

Inherited from _ConsumerMixin (via _SendmsgMixin, Server, ServerMixin, Connection, ConnectionMixin, FileDescriptor):

Instance Variable streamingProducer bool or int

Inherited from _LogOwner (via _SendmsgMixin, Server, ServerMixin, Connection, ConnectionMixin, FileDescriptor, _ConsumerMixin):

Method _getLogPrefix Determine the log prefix to use for messages related to applicationObject, which may or may not be an interfaces.ILoggingContext provider.

Inherited from _SocketCloser (via _SendmsgMixin, Server, ServerMixin, Connection, ConnectionMixin, FileDescriptor, _ConsumerMixin, _LogOwner):

Method _closeSocket Undocumented
Instance Variable _shouldShutdown Set to True if shutdown should be called before calling close on the underlying socket.

Inherited from _AbortingMixin (via _SendmsgMixin, Server, ServerMixin, Connection, ConnectionMixin, FileDescriptor, _ConsumerMixin, _LogOwner, _SocketCloser):

Method abortConnection Aborts the connection immediately, dropping any buffered data.
Instance Variable _aborting Set to True when abortConnection is called.
def __init__(self, sock, protocol, client, server, sessionno, reactor): (source)

Server(sock, protocol, client, server, sessionno)

Initialize it with a socket, a protocol, a descriptor for my peer (a tuple of host, port describing the other end of the connection), an instance of Port, and a session number.

def getHost(self): (source)

Returns an IPv4Address or IPv6Address.

This indicates the server's address.

def getPeer(self): (source)

Returns an IPv4Address or IPv6Address.

This indicates the client's address.

def _fromConnectedSocket(cls, fileDescriptor, factory, reactor): (source)

Create a new Server based on an existing connected SOCK_STREAM socket.

Arguments are the same as to Server.__init__, except where noted.

fileDescriptorAn integer file descriptor associated with a connected socket. The socket must be in non-blocking mode. Any additional attributes desired, such as FD_CLOEXEC, must also be set already.
A new instance of cls wrapping the socket given by fileDescriptor.