class documentation

ResourcePublisher exposes a remote API which can be used to respond to request.

Method __init__ Undocumented
Method getPerspectiveNamed Undocumented
Method remote_request Look up the resource for the given request and render it.
Method upgradeToVersion2 Undocumented
Class Variable persistenceVersion Undocumented
Instance Variable site The site which will be used for resource lookup.
Class Variable _log Undocumented

Inherited from Root:

Method rootObject A factory is requesting to publish me as a root object.

Inherited from Referenceable (via Root):

Method jellyFor (internal)
Method remoteMessageReceived A remote message has been received. Dispatch it appropriately.
Class Variable perspective I am an object sent remotely as a direct reference.

Inherited from Serializable (via Root, Referenceable):

Method processUniqueID Return an ID which uniquely represents this object for this process.

Inherited from Jellyable (via Root, Referenceable, Serializable):

Method getStateFor Undocumented

Inherited from Versioned (via Root, Referenceable, Serializable, Jellyable):

Method __getstate__ Get state, adding a version number to it on its way out.
Method __setstate__ Undocumented
Method versionUpgrade (internal) Do a version upgrade.
Class Variable persistenceForgets Undocumented
Instance Variable __dict__ Undocumented
def __init__(self, site): (source)


def getPerspectiveNamed(self, name): (source)


def remote_request(self, request): (source)

Look up the resource for the given request and render it.

def upgradeToVersion2(self): (source)


The site which will be used for resource lookup.
