class documentation

class MicroDOMParser(XMLParser): (source)

View In Hierarchy


Method __init__ Undocumented
Method connectionLost End the last state we were in.
Method gotCData Encountered CDATA
Method gotComment Encountered comment.
Method gotDoctype Encountered DOCTYPE
Method gotEntityReference Encountered mnemonic entity reference
Method gotTagEnd Encountered closing tag
Method gotTagStart Encountered an opening tag.
Method gotText Encountered text
Method shouldPreserveSpace Undocumented
Constant COMMENT Undocumented
Instance Variable beExtremelyLenient Undocumented
Instance Variable caseInsensitive Undocumented
Instance Variable documents Undocumented
Instance Variable elementstack Undocumented
Instance Variable laterClosers Undocumented
Instance Variable nsstack Undocumented
Instance Variable preserveCase Undocumented
Instance Variable soonClosers Undocumented
Method _fixScriptElement Undocumented
Method _getparent Undocumented
Method _gotStandalone Undocumented
Instance Variable _mddoctype Undocumented

Inherited from XMLParser:

Method begin_afterslash Undocumented
Method begin_attrname Undocumented
Method begin_attrval Undocumented
Method begin_beforeeq Undocumented
Method begin_bodydata Undocumented
Method begin_comment Undocumented
Method begin_doctype Undocumented
Method begin_entityref Undocumented
Method begin_expectcdata Undocumented
Method begin_messyattr Undocumented
Method begin_spacebodydata Undocumented
Method begin_tagstart Undocumented
Method begin_unentity Undocumented
Method begin_waitscriptendtag Undocumented
Method connectionMade Called when a connection is made.
Method dataReceived Called whenever data is received.
Method do_afterslash Undocumented
Method do_attrname Undocumented
Method do_attrs Undocumented
Method do_attrval Undocumented
Method do_beforeattrval Undocumented
Method do_beforeeq Undocumented
Method do_begin Undocumented
Method do_bodydata Undocumented
Method do_cdata Undocumented
Method do_comment Undocumented
Method do_doctype Undocumented
Method do_entityref Undocumented
Method do_expectcdata Undocumented
Method do_messyattr Undocumented
Method do_tagstart Undocumented
Method do_unentity Undocumented
Method do_waitforendscript Undocumented
Method do_waitforgt Undocumented
Method do_waitscriptendtag Undocumented
Method end_attrval Undocumented
Method end_bodydata Undocumented
Method end_cdata Undocumented
Method end_doctype Undocumented
Method end_entityref Undocumented
Method end_messyattr Undocumented
Method end_unentity Undocumented
Method maybeBodyData Undocumented
Method saveMark Get the line number and column of the last character parsed
Class Variable filename Undocumented
Instance Variable attrname Undocumented
Instance Variable attrval Undocumented
Instance Variable bodydata Undocumented
Instance Variable cdatabuf Undocumented
Instance Variable colno Undocumented
Instance Variable commentbuf Undocumented
Instance Variable doctype Undocumented
Instance Variable encodings Undocumented
Instance Variable endtag Undocumented
Instance Variable erefbuf Undocumented
Instance Variable erefextra Undocumented
Instance Variable lineno Undocumented
Instance Variable quotetype Undocumented
Instance Variable state Undocumented
Instance Variable tagAttributes Undocumented
Instance Variable tagName Undocumented
Instance Variable temptagdata Undocumented
Instance Variable termtag Undocumented
Method _buildStateTable Return a dictionary of begin, do, end state function tuples
Method _decode Undocumented
Method _parseError Undocumented
Instance Variable _after_slash_closed Undocumented
Instance Variable _attrname_termtag Undocumented
Instance Variable _beforeeq_termtag Undocumented
Instance Variable _leadingBodyData Undocumented
Instance Variable _prepend Undocumented

Inherited from Protocol (via XMLParser):

Method logPrefix Return a prefix matching the class name, to identify log messages related to this protocol instance.
Class Variable factory Undocumented

Inherited from BaseProtocol (via XMLParser, Protocol):

Method makeConnection Make a connection to a transport and a server.
Instance Variable connected Undocumented
Instance Variable transport Undocumented
def __init__(self, beExtremelyLenient=0, caseInsensitive=1, preserveCase=0, soonClosers=soonClosers, laterClosers=laterClosers): (source)


def connectionLost(self, reason): (source)

End the last state we were in.

def gotCData(self, cdata): (source)

Encountered CDATA

Default behaviour is to call the gotText method

def gotComment(self, data): (source)

Encountered comment.

Default behaviour is to ignore.

def gotDoctype(self, doctype): (source)

Encountered DOCTYPE

This is really grotty: it basically just gives you everything between '<!DOCTYPE' and '>' as an argument.

def gotEntityReference(self, entityRef): (source)

Encountered mnemonic entity reference

Default behaviour is to print.

def gotTagEnd(self, name): (source)

Encountered closing tag

Default behaviour is to print.

def gotTagStart(self, name, attributes): (source)

Encountered an opening tag.

Default behaviour is to print.

def gotText(self, data): (source)

Encountered text

Default behaviour is to print.

def shouldPreserveSpace(self): (source)


COMMENT = (source)


beExtremelyLenient = (source)
caseInsensitive = (source)


documents: list = (source)


elementstack: list = (source)


laterClosers = (source)


nsstack = (source)


preserveCase = (source)


soonClosers = (source)


def _fixScriptElement(self, el): (source)


def _getparent(self): (source)


def _gotStandalone(self, factory, data): (source)


_mddoctype = (source)
