module documentation

twisted.web.util and twisted.web.template merged to avoid cyclic deps
Variable NOT_DONE_YET Undocumented
Class _NSContext A mapping from XML namespaces onto their prefixes in the document.
Class _TagFactory A factory for Tag objects; the implementation of the tags object.
Class _ToStan A SAX parser which converts an XML document to the Twisted STAN Document Object Model.
Function _flatsaxParse Perform a SAX parse of an XML document with the _ToStan class.
Variable _moduleLog Undocumented
NOT_DONE_YET: int = (source)


def _flatsaxParse(fl): (source)
Perform a SAX parse of an XML document with the _ToStan class.
fl:Union[IO[AnyStr], str]The XML document to be parsed.
List[Flattenable]a list of Stan objects.
_moduleLog = (source)
