module documentation

Support for a few things specific to documenting Twisted using pydoctor.

FIXME: This documentation does not link to pydoctor API as there is no public API yet.

Class TwistedASTBuilder Undocumented
Class TwistedModuleVisitor No class docstring; 2/2 methods documented
Class TwistedSphinxInventory Custom SphinxInventory to work around broken external references to Sphinx.
Class TwistedSystem A PyDoctor "system" used to generate the docs.
Function deprecatedToUsefulText Change a @deprecated to a display string.
Function getDeprecated With a list of decorators, and the object it is running on, set the _deprecated_info flag if any of the decorators are a Twisted deprecation decorator.
Function versionToUsefulObject Change an AST Version() to a real one.
def deprecatedToUsefulText(visitor, name, deprecated): (source)
Change a @deprecated to a display string.
def getDeprecated(self, decorators): (source)
With a list of decorators, and the object it is running on, set the _deprecated_info flag if any of the decorators are a Twisted deprecation decorator.
def versionToUsefulObject(version): (source)
Change an AST Version() to a real one.