class documentation

class _SIGCHLDWaker(_FDWaker): (source)

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_SIGCHLDWaker can wake up a reactor whenever SIGCHLD is received.

Method __init__ Initialize.
Method doRead Having woken up the reactor in response to receipt of SIGCHLD, reap the process which exited.
Method install Install the handler necessary to make this waker active.
Method uninstall Remove the handler which makes this waker active.

Inherited from _FDWaker:

Method connectionLost Close both ends of my pipe.
Class Variable disconnected Undocumented
Instance Variable fileno Undocumented
Instance Variable i The file descriptor which should be monitored in order to be awoken by this waker.
Instance Variable o The file descriptor for the end of the pipe which can be written to wake up a reactor monitoring this waker.
Instance Variable reactor Undocumented

Inherited from Logger (via _FDWaker):

Method logPrefix Override this method to insert custom logging behavior. Its return value will be inserted in front of every line. It may be called more times than the number of output lines.
def __init__(self, reactor): (source)
def doRead(self): (source)

Having woken up the reactor in response to receipt of SIGCHLD, reap the process which exited.

This is called whenever the reactor notices the waker pipe is writeable, which happens soon after any call to the wakeUp method.

def install(self): (source)

Install the handler necessary to make this waker active.

def uninstall(self): (source)

Remove the handler which makes this waker active.