class documentation

class FTPFactory(policies.LimitTotalConnectionsFactory): (source)

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A factory for producing ftp protocol instances
Method __init__ Undocumented
Method buildProtocol Undocumented
Method stopFactory Undocumented
Class Variable allowAnonymous Undocumented
Class Variable welcomeMessage Undocumented
Instance Variable instances Undocumented
Instance Variable passivePortRange value forwarded to protocol.passivePortRange.
Instance Variable portal Undocumented
Instance Variable timeOut the protocol interpreter's idle timeout time in seconds, default is 600 seconds.
Instance Variable userAnonymous Undocumented

Inherited from LimitTotalConnectionsFactory:

Method registerProtocol Undocumented
Method unregisterProtocol Undocumented
Class Variable connectionLimit maximum number of connections.
Class Variable overflowProtocol Protocol to use for new connections when connectionLimit is exceeded. If None (the default value), excess connections will be closed immediately.
Instance Variable connectionCount number of current connections.
def __init__(self, portal=None, userAnonymous='anonymous'): (source)


def stopFactory(self): (source)


allowAnonymous: bool = (source)


welcomeMessage = (source)


instances: list = (source)


passivePortRange: iterator = (source)
value forwarded to protocol.passivePortRange.
portal = (source)


timeOut: int = (source)
the protocol interpreter's idle timeout time in seconds, default is 600 seconds.
userAnonymous = (source)
