class documentation

class slot: (source)

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Marker for markup insertion in a template.

Instance Variable name The name of this slot.
Instance Variable children The Tag objects included in this slot's template.
Instance Variable default The default contents of this slot, if it is left unfilled.
Instance Variable filename The name of the XML file from which this tag was parsed.
Instance Variable lineNumber The line number on which this tag was encountered in the XML file from which it was parsed.
Instance Variable columnNumber The column number at which this tag was encountered in the XML file from which it was parsed.
name = (source)

The name of this slot.

The key which must be used in Tag.fillSlots to fill it.

(type: str)
children = (source)

The Tag objects included in this slot's template.

(type: List[Tag])
default = (source)

The default contents of this slot, if it is left unfilled.

If this is None, an UnfilledSlot will be raised, rather than None actually being used.

(type: Optional[Flattenable])
filename = (source)

The name of the XML file from which this tag was parsed.

If it was not parsed from an XML file, None.

(type: Optional[str])
lineNumber = (source)

The line number on which this tag was encountered in the XML file from which it was parsed.

If it was not parsed from an XML file, None.

(type: Optional[int])
columnNumber = (source)

The column number at which this tag was encountered in the XML file from which it was parsed.

If it was not parsed from an XML file, None.

(type: Optional[int])
API Documentation for Twisted, generated by pydoctor 21.2.2 at 2021-07-28 08:52:54.