class documentation

class Options(usage.Options): (source)

View In Hierarchy

Define the options accepted by the twistd web plugin.

Class Variable synopsis Undocumented
Class Variable optParameters Undocumented
Class Variable optFlags Undocumented
Class Variable compData Undocumented
Class Variable longdesc Undocumented
Method __init__ Undocumented
Method opt_port (DEPRECATED: use --listen) Strports description of port to start the server on
Method opt_https (DEPRECATED: use --listen) Port to listen on for Secure HTTP.
Method opt_listen Add an strports description of port to start the server on. [default: tcp:8080]
Method opt_index Add the name of a file used to check for directory indexes. [default: index, index.html]
Method opt_user Makes a server with ~/public_html and ~/.twistd-web-pb support for users.
Method opt_path <path> is either a specific file or a directory to be set as the root of the web server. Use this if you have a directory full of HTML, cgi, epy, or rpy files or any other files that you want to be served up raw.
Method opt_processor `ext=class' where `class' is added as a Processor for files ending with `ext'.
Method opt_class Create a Resource subclass with a zero-argument constructor.
Method opt_resource_script An .rpy file to be used as the root resource of the webserver.
Method opt_wsgi The FQPN of a WSGI application object to serve as the root resource of the webserver.
Method opt_mime_type Specify the default mime-type for static files.
Method opt_allow_ignore_ext Specify whether or not a request for 'foo' should return 'foo.ext'
Method opt_ignore_ext Specify an extension to ignore. These will be processed in order.
Method opt_add_header Specify an additional header to be included in all responses. Specified as "HeaderName: HeaderValue".
Method postOptions Set up conditional defaults and check for dependencies.

Inherited from Options:

Instance Variable subCommand Undocumented
Class Variable defaultSubCommand Undocumented
Class Variable parent Undocumented
Class Variable completionData Undocumented
Instance Variable opts Undocumented
Instance Variable defaults Undocumented
Instance Variable longOpt Undocumented
Instance Variable shortOpt Undocumented
Instance Variable docs Undocumented
Instance Variable synonyms Undocumented
Method opt_help Display this help and exit.
Method opt_version Display Twisted version and exit.
Method parseOptions The guts of the command-line parser.
Instance Variable subOptions Undocumented
Method parseArgs I am called with any leftover arguments which were not options.
Method __str__ Undocumented
Method getSynopsis Returns a string containing a description of these options and how to pass them to the executed file.
Method getUsage Undocumented
Instance Variable _dispatch Undocumented
Method _generic_flag Undocumented
Method _gather_flags Gather up boolean (flag) options.
Method _gather_parameters Gather options which take a value.
Method _gather_handlers Gather up options with their own handler methods.
synopsis = (source)


(type: str)
optParameters = (source)


(type: list)
optFlags = (source)


(type: list)
compData = (source)


longdesc = (source)


(type: str)
def __init__(self): (source)


def opt_port(self, port): (source)

(DEPRECATED: use --listen) Strports description of port to start the server on

def opt_https(self, port): (source)

(DEPRECATED: use --listen) Port to listen on for Secure HTTP.

def opt_listen(self, port): (source)

Add an strports description of port to start the server on. [default: tcp:8080]

def opt_index(self, indexName): (source)

Add the name of a file used to check for directory indexes. [default: index, index.html]

def opt_user(self): (source)

Makes a server with ~/public_html and ~/.twistd-web-pb support for users.

def opt_path(self, path): (source)

<path> is either a specific file or a directory to be set as the root of the web server. Use this if you have a directory full of HTML, cgi, epy, or rpy files or any other files that you want to be served up raw.

def opt_processor(self, proc): (source)

`ext=class' where `class' is added as a Processor for files ending with `ext'.

def opt_class(self, className): (source)

Create a Resource subclass with a zero-argument constructor.

def opt_resource_script(self, name): (source)

An .rpy file to be used as the root resource of the webserver.

def opt_wsgi(self, name): (source)

The FQPN of a WSGI application object to serve as the root resource of the webserver.

def opt_mime_type(self, defaultType): (source)

Specify the default mime-type for static files.

def opt_allow_ignore_ext(self): (source)

Specify whether or not a request for 'foo' should return 'foo.ext'

def opt_ignore_ext(self, ext): (source)

Specify an extension to ignore. These will be processed in order.

def opt_add_header(self, header): (source)

Specify an additional header to be included in all responses. Specified as "HeaderName: HeaderValue".

def postOptions(self): (source)

Set up conditional defaults and check for dependencies.

If SSL is not available but an HTTPS server was configured, raise a UsageError indicating that this is not possible.

If no server port was supplied, select a default appropriate for the other options supplied.

API Documentation for Twisted, generated by pydoctor 21.2.2 at 2021-07-28 08:52:54.