class documentation

class ExpectableBuffer(TerminalBuffer): (source)

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Method connectionMade Called when a connection is made.
Method write Add the given printable bytes to the terminal.
Method cursorHome Move the cursor home.
Method expect Undocumented
Instance Variable _mark Undocumented
Instance Variable _expecting Undocumented
Method _timeoutExpected Undocumented
Method _checkExpected Undocumented

Inherited from TerminalBuffer:

Class Variable execBytes Undocumented
Class Variable execStr Undocumented
Class Variable TAB Undocumented
Class Variable BACKSPACE Undocumented
Class Variable width Undocumented
Class Variable height Undocumented
Class Variable fill Undocumented
Class Variable void Undocumented
Method getCharacter Undocumented
Method insertAtCursor Add one byte to the terminal at the cursor and make consequent state updates.
Instance Variable x Undocumented
Instance Variable y Undocumented
Method cursorUp Move the cursor up n lines.
Method cursorDown Move the cursor down n lines.
Method cursorBackward Move the cursor left n columns.
Method cursorForward Move the cursor right n columns.
Method cursorPosition Move the cursor to the given line and column.
Method index Move the cursor down one line, performing scrolling if necessary.
Method reverseIndex Move the cursor up one line, performing scrolling if necessary.
Method nextLine Update the cursor position attributes and scroll down if appropriate.
Method saveCursor Save the cursor position, character attribute, character set, and origin mode selection.
Method restoreCursor Restore the previously saved cursor position, character attribute, character set, and origin mode selection.
Method setModes Set the given modes on the terminal.
Method resetModes Reset the given modes on the terminal.
Method setPrivateModes Enable the given modes.
Method resetPrivateModes Disable the given modes.
Method applicationKeypadMode Cause keypad to generate control functions.
Instance Variable keypadMode Undocumented
Method numericKeypadMode Cause keypad to generate normal characters.
Method selectCharacterSet Select a character set.
Method shiftIn Activate the G0 character set.
Instance Variable activeCharset Undocumented
Method shiftOut Activate the G1 character set.
Method singleShift2 Shift to the G2 character set for a single character.
Method singleShift3 Shift to the G3 character set for a single character.
Method selectGraphicRendition Enabled one or more character attributes.
Instance Variable graphicRendition Undocumented
Method eraseLine Erase the entire cursor line.
Method eraseToLineEnd Erase from the cursor to the end of line, including cursor position.
Method eraseToLineBeginning Erase from the cursor to the beginning of the line, including the cursor position.
Method eraseDisplay Erase the entire display.
Instance Variable lines Undocumented
Method eraseToDisplayEnd Erase from the cursor to the end of the display, including the cursor position.
Method eraseToDisplayBeginning Erase from the cursor to the beginning of the display, including the cursor position.
Method deleteCharacter Delete n characters starting at the cursor position.
Method insertLine Insert n lines at the cursor position.
Method deleteLine Delete n lines starting at the cursor position.
Method reportCursorPosition Return a Deferred that fires with a two-tuple of (x, y) indicating the cursor position.
Method reset Reset the terminal to its initial state.
Instance Variable home Undocumented
Instance Variable modes Undocumented
Instance Variable privateModes Undocumented
Instance Variable numericKeypad Undocumented
Instance Variable charsets Undocumented
Method unhandledControlSequence Called when an unsupported control sequence is received.
Method __bytes__ Undocumented
Method getHost Similar to getPeer, but returns an address describing this side of the connection.
Method getPeer Get the remote address of this connection.
Method loseConnection Close my connection, after writing all pending data.
Method writeSequence Write an iterable of byte strings to the physical connection.
Method horizontalTabulationSet Set a tab stop at the current cursor position.
Method tabulationClear Clear the tab stop at the current cursor position.
Method tabulationClearAll Clear all tab stops.
Method doubleHeightLine Make the current line the top or bottom half of a double-height, double-width line.
Method singleWidthLine Make the current line a single-width, single-height line.
Method doubleWidthLine Make the current line a double-width line.
Class Variable _log Undocumented
Method _currentFormattingState Undocumented
Method _emptyLine Undocumented
Method _scrollDown Undocumented
Method _scrollUp Undocumented
Instance Variable _savedCursor Undocumented

Inherited from Protocol (via TerminalBuffer):

Class Variable factory Undocumented
Method logPrefix Return a prefix matching the class name, to identify log messages related to this protocol instance.
Method dataReceived Called whenever data is received.
Method connectionLost Called when the connection is shut down.

Inherited from BaseProtocol (via TerminalBuffer, Protocol):

Instance Variable connected Undocumented
Instance Variable transport Undocumented
Method makeConnection Make a connection to a transport and a server.
_mark = (source)


(type: int)
def connectionMade(self): (source)

Called when a connection is made.

This may be considered the initializer of the protocol, because it is called when the connection is completed. For clients, this is called once the connection to the server has been established; for servers, this is called after an accept() call stops blocking and a socket has been received. If you need to send any greeting or initial message, do it here.

_expecting = (source)


(type: list)
def write(self, data): (source)

Add the given printable bytes to the terminal.

Line feeds in bytes will be replaced with carriage return / line feed pairs.

def _timeoutExpected(self, d): (source)


def _checkExpected(self): (source)


def expect(self, expression, timeout=None, scheduler=reactor): (source)


API Documentation for Twisted, generated by pydoctor 21.2.2 at 2021-07-28 08:52:54.