class documentation

class ConchOptions(usage.Options): (source)

Known subclasses: twisted.conch.scripts.cftp.ClientOptions, twisted.conch.scripts.conch.ClientOptions

View In Hierarchy


Class Variable optParameters Undocumented
Class Variable optFlags Undocumented
Class Variable compData Undocumented
Method __init__ Undocumented
Instance Variable identitys Undocumented
Instance Variable conns Undocumented
Method opt_identity Identity for public-key authentication
Method opt_ciphers Select encryption algorithms
Method opt_macs Specify MAC algorithms
Method opt_host_key_algorithms Select host key algorithms
Method opt_user_authentications Choose how to authenticate to the remote server

Inherited from Options:

Instance Variable subCommand Undocumented
Class Variable defaultSubCommand Undocumented
Class Variable parent Undocumented
Class Variable completionData Undocumented
Instance Variable opts Undocumented
Instance Variable defaults Undocumented
Instance Variable longOpt Undocumented
Instance Variable shortOpt Undocumented
Instance Variable docs Undocumented
Instance Variable synonyms Undocumented
Method opt_help Display this help and exit.
Method opt_version Display Twisted version and exit.
Method parseOptions The guts of the command-line parser.
Instance Variable subOptions Undocumented
Method postOptions I am called after the options are parsed.
Method parseArgs I am called with any leftover arguments which were not options.
Method __str__ Undocumented
Method getSynopsis Returns a string containing a description of these options and how to pass them to the executed file.
Method getUsage Undocumented
Instance Variable _dispatch Undocumented
Method _generic_flag Undocumented
Method _gather_flags Gather up boolean (flag) options.
Method _gather_parameters Gather options which take a value.
Method _gather_handlers Gather up options with their own handler methods.
optFlags = (source)


(type: list)
def __init__(self, *args, **kw): (source)


identitys = (source)


(type: list)
conns = (source)


def opt_identity(self, i): (source)

Identity for public-key authentication

def opt_ciphers(self, ciphers): (source)

Select encryption algorithms

def opt_macs(self, macs): (source)

Specify MAC algorithms

def opt_host_key_algorithms(self, hkas): (source)

Select host key algorithms

def opt_user_authentications(self, uas): (source)

Choose how to authenticate to the remote server

API Documentation for Twisted, generated by pydoctor 21.2.2 at 2021-07-28 08:52:54.