class documentation

class TwistOptions(Options): (source)

View In Hierarchy

Command line options for twist.

Class Variable defaultReactorName Undocumented
Method __init__ Undocumented
Instance Variable longdesc Undocumented
Method getSynopsis Returns a string containing a description of these options and how to pass them to the executed file.
Method opt_version Print version and exit.
Method opt_reactor The name of the reactor to use. (options: {options})
Method installReactor Install the reactor.
Method opt_log_level Set default log level. (options: {options}; default: "{default}")
Method opt_log_file Log to file. ("-" for stdout, "+" for stderr; default: "-")
Method opt_log_format Log file format. (options: "text", "json"; default: "text" if the log file is a tty, otherwise "json")
Method selectDefaultLogObserver Set fileLogObserverFactory to the default appropriate for the chosen logFile.
Method parseOptions The guts of the command-line parser.
Property plugins Undocumented
Property subCommands Undocumented
Method postOptions I am called after the options are parsed.

Inherited from Options:

Instance Variable subCommand Undocumented
Class Variable defaultSubCommand Undocumented
Class Variable parent Undocumented
Class Variable completionData Undocumented
Instance Variable opts Undocumented
Instance Variable defaults Undocumented
Instance Variable longOpt Undocumented
Instance Variable shortOpt Undocumented
Instance Variable docs Undocumented
Instance Variable synonyms Undocumented
Method opt_help Display this help and exit.
Instance Variable subOptions Undocumented
Method parseArgs I am called with any leftover arguments which were not options.
Method __str__ Undocumented
Method getUsage Undocumented
Instance Variable _dispatch Undocumented
Method _generic_flag Undocumented
Method _gather_flags Gather up boolean (flag) options.
Method _gather_parameters Gather options which take a value.
Method _gather_handlers Gather up options with their own handler methods.
defaultReactorName = (source)


(type: str)
def __init__(self): (source)


longdesc = (source)


(type: str)
def getSynopsis(self): (source)

Returns a string containing a description of these options and how to pass them to the executed file.

ReturnsUndocumented (type: str)
def opt_version(self): (source)

Print version and exit.

ReturnsUndocumented (type: typing.NoReturn)
def opt_reactor(self, name): (source)

The name of the reactor to use. (options: {options})

ParametersnameUndocumented (type: str)
def installReactor(self, name): (source)

Install the reactor.

ParametersnameUndocumented (type: str)
ReturnsUndocumented (type: IReactorCore)
def opt_log_level(self, levelName): (source)

Set default log level. (options: {options}; default: "{default}")

ParameterslevelNameUndocumented (type: str)
def opt_log_file(self, fileName): (source)

Log to file. ("-" for stdout, "+" for stderr; default: "-")

ParametersfileNameUndocumented (type: str)
def opt_log_format(self, format): (source)

Log file format. (options: "text", "json"; default: "text" if the log file is a tty, otherwise "json")

ParametersformatUndocumented (type: str)
def selectDefaultLogObserver(self): (source)

Set fileLogObserverFactory to the default appropriate for the chosen logFile.

def parseOptions(self, options=None): (source)

The guts of the command-line parser.

ParametersoptionsUndocumented (type: Optional[Sequence[str]])
plugins = (source)


(type: Mapping[str, IServiceMaker])
subCommands = (source)


(type: Iterable[Tuple[str, None, Callable[[IServiceMaker], Options], str]])
def postOptions(self): (source)

I am called after the options are parsed.

Override this method in your subclass to do something after the options have been parsed and assigned, like validate that all options are sane.

API Documentation for Twisted, generated by pydoctor 21.2.2 at 2021-07-28 08:52:54.