class documentation

Service to periodically call a function

Every step seconds call the given function with the given arguments. The service starts the calls when it starts, and cancels them when it stops.

Method __init__ No summary
Method startService Start the service.
Method stopService Stop the service.
Class Variable volatile Undocumented
Instance Variable call Function and arguments to call periodically.
Instance Variable clock Source of time. This defaults to None which is causes twisted.internet.reactor to be used. Feel free to set this to something else, but it probably ought to be set *before* calling startService.
Instance Variable step Undocumented
Method _failed Undocumented
Instance Variable _loop Undocumented
Instance Variable _loopFinished Undocumented

Inherited from _VolatileDataService:

Method __getstate__ Undocumented

Inherited from Service (via _VolatileDataService):

Method disownServiceParent Use this API to remove an IService from an IServiceCollection.
Method privilegedStartService Do preparation work for starting the service.
Method setName Set the name of the service.
Method setServiceParent Set the parent of the service. This method is responsible for setting the parent attribute on this service (the child service).
Instance Variable name A str which is the name of the service or None.
Instance Variable parent An IServiceCollection which is the parent or None.
Instance Variable running A boolean which indicates whether the service is running.
def __init__(self, step, callable, *args, **kwargs): (source)
step:floatThe number of seconds between calls.
callable:callableFunction to call
*argsPositional arguments to pass to function
**kwargsKeyword arguments to pass to function
def stopService(self): (source)

Stop the service.

Deferreda Deferred which is fired when the currently running call (if any) is finished.
call: tuple of (callable, args, kwargs) = (source)

Function and arguments to call periodically.

Source of time. This defaults to None which is causes twisted.internet.reactor to be used. Feel free to set this to something else, but it probably ought to be set *before* calling startService.


def _failed(self, why): (source)



_loopFinished = (source)
